Program and Accepted Papers
CILC 2020 - Program
Detailed program / Accepted Papers
October 13th
Keynote: Wolfgang Faber - October 13th, 09:00 AM
Wolfgang Faber: Reversibility of Actions and Plans
Session Chair: Stefania Costantini
TO ATTEND: click here
Languages, Tools and Applications (1) - October 13th, 10:40 AM
Giuseppe Pisano, Roberta Calegari, Andrea Omicini and Giovanni Sartor: Arg-tuProlog: a tuProlog-based argumentation framework
Jørgen Villadsen: Tautology Checkers in Isabelle and Haskell
Francesco Fabiano: Towards a Complete Characterization of Epistemic Reasoning: the Notion of Trust
Bruno Sofiato, Fábio Levy Siqueira and Ricardo Luis de Azevedo da Rocha: Towards a Declarative Approach to Object Comparison
Session Chair: Alberto Pettorossi
TO ATTEND: click here
Formal Methods (1) - October 13th, 11:30 AM
Juliana Küster Filipe Bowles and Marco B. Caminati: A formally verified SMT Approach to True Concurrency
Domenico Cantone, Andrea De Domenico, Pietro Maugeri and Eugenio Omodeo: A quadratic reduction of constraints over nested sets to purely Boolean formulae in CNF
Silvio Ghilardi, Alessandro Gianola and Deepak Kapur: Computing Uniform Interpolants for EUF via (conditional) DAG-based Compact Representations
Session Chair: Gianluca Pozzato
TO ATTEND: click here
Theory and Foundations (1) - October 13th, 12:10 PM
Andrea Loreggia, Emiliano Lorini and Giovanni Sartor: A Ceteris Paribus Deontic Logic
Gabriele Buriola, Domenico Cantone, Gianluca Cincotti, Eugenio Omodeo and Gaetano Spartà: A decidable theory of differentiable functions with convexities and concavities on real intervals
Camillo Fiorentini and Mauro Ferrari: A natural deduction calculus for Gödel-Dummett Logic internalizing proof-search control mechanisms
Session Chair: Laura Giordano
TO ATTEND: click here
Answer Set Programming (1) - October 13th, 12:50 PM
Elena Mastria, Jessica Zangari, Simona Perri and Francesco Calimeri: A Machine Learning guided Rewriting Approach for ASP Logic Programs
Giuseppe Mazzotta, Bernardo Cuteri, Carmine Dodaro and Francesco Ricca: Compilation of Aggregates in ASP: Preliminary Results
Abeer Dyoub, Stefania Costantini, Francesca Alessandra Lisi and Ivan Letteri: Logic-based Machine Learning for Transparent Ethical Agents
Session Chair: Marco Maratea
TO ATTEND: click here
Video presentations - DAY 1 (13 Oct.)
October 14th
Keynote: Stefan Woltran - October 14th, 09:00 AM
Stefan Woltran: Computational Argumentation — Formal Models and Complexity Results
Session Chair: Stefano Bistarelli
TO ATTEND: click here
Languages, Tools and Applications (2) - October 14th, 10:40 AM
Stefano Forti and Antonio Brogi: Continuous Reasoning for Managing Next-Gen Distributed Applications
Stefania Costantini: Ensuring Trustworthy Behavior in Intelligent Logical Agents
Loris Bozzato and Christoph G. Schuetz: Towards Distributed Contextualized Knowledge Repositories for Analysis of Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs
Matteo Cavada, Andrea Colò and Alberto Momigliano: Type-Preserving Mutation Analysis for Coq
Session Chair: Marco Gavanelli
TO ATTEND: click here
Formal Methods (2) - October 14th, 11:30 AM
Giovanni Sileno and Matteo Pascucci: Disentangling deontic positions and abilities: a modal analysis
Emanuele De Angelis, Fabio Fioravanti, Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti: Removing Algebraic Data Types from Constrained Horn Clauses Using Difference Predicates
Marianna Girlando, Bjoern Lellmann, Nicola Olivetti, Stefano Pesce and Gian Luca Pozzato: Theorem proving for Lewis’ Logics of Counterfactual Reasoning
Session Chair: Eugenio Omodeo
TO ATTEND: click here
Theory and Foundations (2) - October 14th, 12:10 PM
Stefano Bistarelli and Carlo Taticchi: A Labelling Semantics for Weighted Argumentation Frameworks
Alessandro Bertagnon, Marco Gavanelli, Guido Sciavicco and Stefano Trevisani: On (Maximal) Tractable Fragments of the Branching Algebra
Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi and Daniele Theseider Dupré: On a plausible concept-wise multipreference semantics and its relations with self-organising maps
Session Chair: Maurizio Proietti
TO ATTEND: click here
Awards: announcement - October 14th, 12:50 PM
CILC 2020 awards: 🏆
Best Paper award: Nicola Rizzo and Agostino Dovier: 3coSoKu and its logic programming modeling - (see award here)
Best Practical Impact award: Francesco Fabiano and Alessandro Dal Palù: An ASP approach for arteries classification in CT scans - (see award here)
Session Chair: Mario Alviano
TO ATTEND: click here
Video presentations - DAY 2 (14 Oct.)

October 15th
Keynote: Marc Denecker - October 15th, 09:00 AM
Marc Denecker: On the informal semantics of knowledge representation languages and the case of Logic Programming
Session Chair: Agostino Dovier
TO ATTEND: click here
Languages, Tools and Applications (3) - October 15th, 10:40 AM
Andrea De Domenico, Domenico Cantone and Marianna Nicolosi-Asmundo: An ontology for the iconographic sources of the Divine Comedy
Nicola Rizzo and Agostino Dovier: 3coSoKu and its logic programming modeling
Viviana Mascardi and Domenico Pellegrini: Logical Judges Challenge Human Judges on the Strange Case of B.C.--Valjean
Session Chair: Wolfgang Faber
TO ATTEND: click here
Tutorial: Rafael Penaloza - October 15th, 11:20 AM
Rafael Penaloza: Introduction to Probabilistic Ontologies
Session Chair: Fabrizio Riguzzi
TO ATTEND: click here
Answer Set Programming (2) - October 15th, 12:50 PM
Francesco Fabiano and Alessandro Dal Palù: An ASP approach for arteries classification in CT scans
Carmine Dodaro, Giuseppe Galatà, Marco Maratea, Marco Mochi and Ivan Porro: Chemotherapy Treatment Scheduling via Answer Set Programming
Loris Bozzato and Camillo Fiorentini: Reasoning on Information Term Semantics with ASP for Constructive EL_bot
Session Chair: Francesco Ricca
TO ATTEND: click here
Video presentations - DAY 3 (15 Oct.)